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Joy was the theme of my very first message as a 16 year old. The sermon lasted only 7 minutes and I was so nervous that I didn’t look up one time and had zero emotion in my voice.  Probably the most joyless sermon on the topic of joy in the history of Christianity.  Well, I’ve learned a lot about joy (and preaching) since then.  

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit caused by Christ living in a surrendered Christian’s life which produces inner contentment (full satisfaction) and an indescribable peace that is not dependent upon outward circumstances but results in inward character and Godly attitudes which may or may not be expressed emotionally.  



Wow, that was a mouthful! But re-read that definition, if you want to, and soak in all the implications of what true joy is.  And then compare joy with happiness.  We all want to be happy, right?  But we rarely hear anyone ask us if we are joyful.  Happiness is an emotion dependent on favorable outward circumstances. It is an emotional roller-coaster.  So really the question for us as believers is: Outward Circumstances or Inward Character… what controls you?  Someone once said, “You can be unhappy, but you can’t be unjoy.” When we live surrendered and obedient lives to God, we will rest in His sovereignty and know His joy regardless of how bad life becomes.  

Knowing the definition of joy is one thing, but experiencing joy in the midst of trying circumstances is often indescribable.  How does one describe the “peace that passes all understanding” (Phil. 4:7), the contentment and satisfaction that comes with a completely trusting that God has everything under His control and has our good and His glory in the center of His motivations?

We all go through difficult times and painful experiences.  Our family has experienced many unexpected changes, sudden uprooting, tearful goodbyes, physical suffering, and spiritual disappointments.  But in the midst of all of this, the joy of the Lord has been our strength! Nehemiah 8:10

And joy never runs out. Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” May we all experience God’s joy, no matter what!

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